Photo by Ben Mistak

I have been obsessed with astrology for a very long time. I've also been obsessed with manifestation for a very long time. And I've been obsessed with purpose for a very long time - what am I here to do? What are you here to do? What are we all here to do?

Astrology, manifestation, healing, personal development, shadow work, divination, psychology, magic, tarot, rituals and altars, spiritual practices, mindset work, neuroscience, the subconscious mind, the infinite and limitless possibility of everyone and everything - all things I genuinely dork the F out about all the time.

My authentic self is the biggest gift that I can give to this world and the universe. And I believe that about everyone that I work with. We are all here, at a very specific point in time, with a purpose. We are all natural magicians.

We are all here to dance with the universe.

I am a huge believer in this work, not only because I've guided others through this process, but because I myself have practiced, experimented and worked with everything that I share. I have witnessed and lived the intangible and powerful shifts that take place when you dive into what you are here for. Because what you want is telling you something very important - it is giving you clues to the unfolding of your purpose.

It is my greatest joy to do all of the things that I love/am obsessed with/dork out about - as my work in the world. This is my purpose. And I love sharing my purpose with you so that you can align with your purpose and destiny.

My other greatest joys include my amazing son, living in NYC, nature, learning, reading, solving problems, travel, crafting, making things, possibilities and interesting conversations. And fun fact - I was a fashion designer for 20 years! In a strange and random series of events, the universe has guided me into a life I could never have imagined and now, I am doing work that I am truly passionate about.

I tell you, this shit is real!

Certifications include: Astrology (RGA + Kepler College), Tarot (J. Hinshaw and L. Mack), Level II Breathwork (D. Elliot), and Level I in Usui and Quantum Reiki (M. Gütermann). I’ve also completed an in depth manifestation program (K. Zenkina). And more to come, cause I can’t stop learning!


Questions? Wanna send me a love note? Inquiries? Events? Contact me with the form below!